Tauni Joy Photography

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First birthday event photography , hey sweet girl!

I met this sweet little one year at her sisters 4th birthday last year in Dripping Springs, she was cuddled up in her mamas carrier and just the most perfect little baby. Really , I don`t think she made a peep the whole party! Time sure flies because I feel like I just captured her big sisters birthday party and little miss Bowie was just a teenie tiny little thing!

Event photography is so much fun , gives the parents the opportunity to disconnect from their phones and enjoy their babies.

And I love capturing candid images , and details.

Look at these cakes! So STINKING CUTE!

Oh hello there Bowie, aren`t you just the cutest little first birthday girl?

Isn`t this the prettiest dessert table you have ever laid eyes on? I loved the cloud cakes pops , so stinking cute! Everything looked too pretty to eat!

Always perfect when the big kids have something fun to do! They all enjoyed some Austin summer sun . Splish splashin in the pool. Not going to lie it looked amazing , to bad my camera is not water proof or I would totally be in there!

Hello little cake face!

All smiles for everyone!

Forget the cake mama I want the balloons! That all my baby boy wants also !

Little baby butts why are they so dang cute !! Squish , squish!

Thank you sweet family for including me again to capture a special day of celebrations!

Happy First Bowie, sweet little one!

Tauni Joy
