Photographer & mama

Something I am really working on is balance. I tend to let guilt get the best of me if I work too long instead of playing with my Oaklee or vise versa , if at the end of the day I don`t get to work and cleaning and fixing up the house. It is a never ending battle . To often I set goals of doing it all in one day and then feel defeated by the end of the day. I am beyond grateful I have a job that allows me to see every little milestone and soak in my little one each day. To often we compare ourselves to others and other mamas. We all "mama" so differently and sometimes I just have to sit down and say all right Jesus, guide me , help me to be the best version of myself, the best mama, wife, and business owner .

Today I am thankful. and today I am taking the time to enjoy another cup of coffee <3

austin lifestyle photographer